We all have different cleaning styles. Maybe you’re motivated to clean daily or you procrastinate and tackle the mess all at once. There is no “right” way to clean, but staying on top of cleaning can give you a sense of peace and order.
Here are 5 motivational tips to clean and stay on top of the mess.
1. Get Inspired By Social Media
Let’s be honest, cleaning can be mundane. Sometimes, I need a push to get in the cleaning spirit. Here are resources I use to get myself motivated to clean. Not only are these accounts fun to watch, but you can also find helpful products and tools to get the job done.

TikTok Accounts
I love watching cleaning videos. I often will discover new cleaning techniques or tools through social media. These TikTok accounts recommend affordable and productive cleaning products for your home. You may also explore different cleaning techniques to help you manage your mess.
Favorite Cleaning TikTok Accounts:
You may also want to follow these hashtags:
Youtube Channels
Throw on a cleaning or organizing video from Youtube to get you in the spirit. Many Youtube channels just play music and show their cleaning process sped up. I find this satisfying, soothing, and motivating! Many channels also provide education about cleaning techniques, products, and schedules.
Favorite Youtube Accounts:
The Minimal Mom
Emily Norris
Angela Braniff
Amy Darley
2. Create a routine you can stick with
Humans are said to be creatures of habit. Having a routine can help reduce stress and offer predictability in your day. When it comes to cleaning, having a routine you can stick to can make a big difference. Below is a simplified daily routine I use. Each morning and evening I focus on three tasks I want to complete. I leave the afternoon open for a quick 10-minute clean-up of whatever space needs my attention most. The key here is to simplify the routine in a way that works for you!

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different routines and find what works best for you. If all else fails, I use the 10-minute rule. Set your time for 10-minutes, and clean whatever you like. You’ll be surprised how much you cleaning can be accomplished in a short time.
You may also find using a daily planner will help you organize your to-do list. Here is a free cleaning schedule for you to use!
3. Donate Daily
You know the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, consider this! “A box a day keeps the clutter away.” I keep a box by our entryway that is filled with items to donate. Each day, I remain mindful of the items in my home and make a “donation” to the box. I ask myself these things: Is this item still serving its purpose? Does it need to be replaced? Does it make me happy? If not, I toss it in the donate box (or throw it away if necessary.) I may put one item in the box, or fill it completely. I make it my goal to donate at least one box a month to a thrift store or non-profit.
4. Seasonal Schedule
There are a lot of amazing lists on Pinterest that inspire you to clean for the season. Seasonal changes can be a great motivator for cleaning. I live in Minnesota and in the fall, we winterize our home. This might mean covering the air conditioner, bagging and raking leaves, etc. You can make up your own seasonal schedule.
Seasonal cleaning ideas:
Deep clean appliances
Oven cleaning
Clutter control (closets, pantry, garage, bedrooms,etc.)
Bleach & disinfect toys
Wash window curtains, shower curtains, etc.
Tackle the papers (file paperwork, digitize files, organize photos)
Flip your mattress
Organize your memorabilia (Tip: Use sealable plastic totes to avoid moisture damage!)

5. Prepare a Peaceful Return
This next tip might be a little twisted, but it’s helped me a lot. When I am leaving for a weekend away, I pretend that if I were to pass away on my trip, my home would be left in a favorable condition for my family. They love me despite a mess or not, but for some reason having this mindset has motivated me to stay on top of the mess. Another way of putting the idea: Prepare your home for a peaceful return. Coming back from a weekend away usually means laundry, unpacking, etc. If your home is in disarray when you leave, it only adds to the chaos upon your return. You can also think of it like checking in to a hotel or Airbnb. The surfaces are freshly cleaned, garbages are empty, windows are washed, etc. Whatever you want to walk back into, is what you should try to leave it as. Of course, you can’t always do a deep clean before leaving so at a bare minimum try to tackle these items: garbages out, sink clean & bathrooms scrubbed!
What are ways you find the motivation to clean? Drop a comment or tag me #kindlykal. I’d love to hear your ideas!
Watching Hoarders gets me motivated to clean! I know they don’t but I never want things to pile up that bad!
Also getting company gets me going!